UQ Holder! - 03

Sorry for the delay. Credits: TLC: eltony Timing: iORcHiD Edit: eltony Typesetting: KNoW QC: ph0eniX KFX: KNoW Encoding: Haru 1080p 10-bit: [Bakemono-Harunatsu] UQ Holder! - 03 [1080p-AAC][783AB58B].mkv
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UQ Holder! – 02

Yukihime the best girl? <3 Credits: TLC: eltony Timing: iORcHiD Edit: eltony Typesetting: KNoW QC: ph0eniX KFX: KNoW Encoding: Haru 1080p 10-bits: [Bakemono-Harunatsu] UQ Holder! - 02 [1080p-AAC][89FA7A80].mkv
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UQ Holder! - 01

This is a joint project with our dear friend over at Bakemono. P.S. ep 2 will come soon™ Credits: TLC: eltony Timing: iORcHiD Edit: eltony and Andy29485 Typesetting: iORcHiD QC: wellivea1 KFX: KNoW ED styling: Haru Encoding: Haru Delay: KFX™ 1080p 10-bits: [Bakemono-Harunatsu] UQ Holder! - 01 [1080p-AAC][1DD43980].mkv
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